Connect with Your Child

You already know life is moving too fast. You can’t pause time, but you CAN make time more meaningful. I’m here to help you slow down, share, and -- most importantly -- CONNECT with those you love the most.

The day-to-day duties involved in providing and caring for your family are so. stinking. all-consuming. Whether you work outside the home, work from home, or stay at home to take care of your children, your life is dictated by the clock, by demands, and by bills, bills, and more bills. It’s so hard to get out of the headspace of just providing for your family to get to the place of actually connecting.

Between dropping the kids off at school, shuttling them to practice, making sure homework gets done, and -- you know -- feeding them, your minutes are rapidly used up.

And let’s not even sugarcoat it, my friends. Many of those used-up minutes are chock-full of next-level frustration.

When you tuck your kiddos into bed at night (or command them to get their hineys in bed at the end of the longest day ever before you have a meltdown), you seriously stress out about whether your child knows you love her or not. Did you do anything that made a positive difference?

Yes. The answer is yes.

But I get the worry. And that’s why I made the Pause and Connect Journal -- to help you make the positive connections you so desperately want to be making.

You know you want a deeper connection with your child. You KNOW it. But you don’t have time, energy, or space in your brain to find a way to make it happen.

You need easy, simple tools that give you time with your precious children in a way that feels good! You don’t need someone to make you feel bad. You don’t need a long parenting book with 1,051 strategies that sound beautiful on paper but are so hard for you to implement into your real life.

You need something you can start doing right-this-second that will bring you and your child together in a positive way -- even if for just a moment. Even if you’re in separate rooms when your moment of togetherness happens.

You read that right.

The Pause and Connect Journal takes just a few moments a few times a week (or less!) to give you a deeper connection with your child than you knew you could have.