Connect with Your Child

stop moralizing your child's emotions

Stop Moralizing Your Child’s Emotions

Our children deserve to be loved as they are, and they deserve to have the emotions and feelings they have. It’s a simple enough concept, but it’s not so simple to put into practice, it turns out. As parents, we come with our own set of preconceived ideas, and it’s challenging to meet our kids where they are.

This episode offers two ways to handle the parts of our children that challenge us. And it starts with my ridiculous quest to get my child to like speed bumps. (Face palm. You just have to listen.)

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How to Have Realistic Expectations of Your Kids

Your kids are going to mess up. That’s a given. So how do you know how to hold the right expectations for each kid? Unfortunately, there’s no magic formula, but the mindset discussed here will help you make the best decisions for your child, your family, and your circumstances. Learn 7 positive results and forward movements you can gain when you adopt this helpful mindset.

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when parenting is painful

When Parenting Is Painful

We’ve all felt like we’re terrible at parenting. Or ruining our children, or we ruined them already and there’s no going back. We’ve all felt overcome and overwhelmed. Here are a few thoughts on how to reframe things when you’re in this place, as well as some proactive steps you can take to move yourself through this place of parenting pain and out the other side to a place where you feel a bit better.

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what to do when your child lies

What to Do When Your Child Lies

Let’s talk about lying! Specifically, what to do when your child lies.

This is a huge challenge, isn’t it? Our society places so much value on honesty, which is a good thing. But because of that, we tend to think that lack of honesty automatically indicates a character flaw. And so when our kids tell a lie, we feel scared. Does this mean my child is bad? Does this mean they lie to me all the time? Does this mean I’m doing something wrong?

Nope! Get a reframe and a helpful process for what to do when your child lies.

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13 easyish ways to connect with your child

13 Easy-ish Ways to Connect with Your Child

Easy-ish is the key word here. There are tons of elaborate ways to connect (and I love those ways too!).

But this post is a little different. It’s about taking the ordinary things you’re already doing, and figuring out how to turn them into connections that can have a deeply positive impact on your relationship with your child.

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