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We were all a lot more patient, a lot less yelly, and a lot more interesting once upon a time.

It’s true that kids enrich your life and your world in immeasurable ways.

But it’s also true that the challenges that come along with our precious kids can send us over the edge if we don’t know a better way.

There’s nothing wrong with not knowing a better way. Most of us don’t know what’s coming until it hits us. And that’s okay. But the scramble to catch up and be the mom we want to be is a challenge.

I have three courses designed to help you be the mom you want to be.

Yelling doesn’t have to be your default anymore.

You don’t have to feel like your kids ignore you unless you scream.

And you know what else? You deserve to find your passions and talents — and lead with them.

Read below for information on my three easy-to-use courses — designed to get you in, out, and making the permanent changes you desperately want to make.

stop yelling

Yell much?

You know, before having kids, I had a bit of a temper. But it rarely came out. In fact, by the time I was pregnant with my first child, I was patting myself on the back because I had gotten control of my temper.

Or so I thought.

I remember as a new mom, I one day screamed — SCREAMED — at the cat because he had jumped on the counter.

Not my finest moment. Parenthood can be rough. On everyone. Even the cat.

As my kids grew, and challenges got harder, my coping go-to became yelling.

I didn’t like it. But I honestly didn’t know how to stop yelling.

Then a wonderful therapist taught me how to heal my relationship with my child.

She didn’t teach me how to stop yelling.

But I began to yell less as I focused on connecting with my daughter more.

I felt better about myself, happier in my motherhood, and closer to my children. 

Because I’m a self-analyzer, systemetizer and researcher, I first wondered why I was yelling less. When I figured that out, I then put a system in place to ensure I could stick with it. 

And I’m excited to bring you that system! It’s based on connection, which is something we can all do — and when we do it well, we can learn to stop yelling.

I’ve designed a course that will gently and effectively walk you through the steps I took to learn how to stop yelling; the steps I still return to when I feel myself struggling. These are the steps that make me a happy mom and that help me know my children better.

This course is affordable. WAY affordable. 

And because I know it can transform your life, and because I think we all can use this course right now during this time of severely high stress, I’m also offering scholarships to people who have been severely economically impacted by the pandemic.

Get all the Stop Yelling course details here.

Learn how to yell less, get your kids to listen, and find your strengths as a mom.
I polled my audience to find the most frustrating part of motherhood, and I wasn’t surprised by the answers.

Everyone said it differently, but most people said the thing that frustrates them the most is when their kids won’t listen to them.

It’s so frustrating when you’re trying to get something done, and you can’t get your kids to pay attention to you. You can’t get them to stop doing something or start doing something you need. You can’t get them to cooperate. 


Some of my lowest parenting moments have been when I responded poorly to kids who wouldn’t listen.

I get it.

And I hated it, so I went on a search for WHY this is a problem, and WHAT I could do about it. Over time, I uncovered simple, effective steps that help me communicate with my kids in a way that they’ll listen. 

I love systems, and these steps are set up so I can return to them again and again whenever our family vibe gets out of whack.

And I put that system together in a course for you. Get the relief I’ve found with these effective steps. Have confidence in how to lovingly respond when your child ignores you. Create a safe space for you AND your kids to communicate effectively with each other.

Most importantly, strengthen your relationship through this issue, rather than succumbing to the divide it could create.

This course is affordable. WAY affordable. 

And because I know it can transform your life, and because I think we all can use this course right now during this time of severely high stress, I’m also offering scholarships to people who have been severely economically impacted by the pandemic.

Get all the How to Get Your Kids to Listen course details here

“I don’t even know what my hobbies are.”

“I don’t know what I want to do with my life.”

“I’m really not that good at anything.”

I’ve heard women say these things my entire life. 

And it breaks my heart, because I know that YOU are just full to bursting with an abundance of talents, interests, and abilities. 

But it’s sometimes hard to know and recognize those good parts of ourselves.

Our lives are so crammed full of responsibilities for other people that it’s hard to see ourselves. It’s hard to remember — or discover — the things that really light us up; the things that make us thrive.

So I’m offering a course to walk you through uncovering your talents. Everyone who has taken this course has said some form of, “I had no idea I had this in me!”

There is more to you than you know. I promise.

This course is affordable. WAY affordable. 

And because I know it can transform your life, and because I think we all can use this course right now during this time of severely high stress, I’m also offering scholarships to people who have been severely economically impacted by the pandemic.

Get the Details for the course, Find Your Strengths, Here