Connect with Yourself

You're Doing Better Than You Think


Whether you’ve been a mother for a day or multiple decades, someone is always standing by, waiting to tell you how “wrong” or “right” you’re doing motherhood. Oftentimes (Dare I say it -- most times?), that someone is yourself.

The thing is, you probably know you’re doing a good job most of the time. But it’s the times when your emotions are too much and you react to your child in a way you wish you hadn't... or the times when you're exhausted and you just want to run away... or the times when you forget to do what you promised to do and your child is staring at you with tear-streaked cheeks -- it’s these times that make you feel like you’re just really failing as a mother.

But you're not failing! These are actually the times when you need to connect with yourself and realize you're doing okay.

Because you are!

Everyone is struggling with similar feelings. Nobody truly has it all together, but we're all doing a mighty fine job as we keep moving forward and loving our kids.

So when you look around and see your neighbor making cute treats you don’t have energy for… when your best friend handles a tantrum from her child perfectly and doesn’t even get frazzled… when people stare at your screaming child in public -- remember: you're only seeing their best.

And they're probably admiring you for something too.

Also, please remember:

These crummy times are not the total summation of you.

You are a beautiful, talented, capable woman who has gobs and gobs of goodness to offer your family and the world. You have a unique combination of strengths that nobody else has. And when you lead with that unique combination, you’ll find joy and confidence.

We all mess up, and sometimes in big ways. But that’s okay. We’re supposed to.

Society has led us to believe that we can -- and should be -- perfect, but this is a big, fat, damaging lie. Nobody is supposed to be perfect. 

Not even you.

And when we hate ourselves for our mistakes, we can’t progress. We stay stuck in a place of self-loathing. Society has taught us to go here, to stay here, and to make ourselves comfortable. We have to actively work to avoid this stuck place.

Connecting with ourselves -- finding out who we really are and loving our good parts while not hating the parts we wish were better -- can help us avoid that place.

And as moms, connecting with our children -- finding out who they really are, demonstrating to them that we love them, being comfortable with their shortfalls -- can help us feel confident as moms while giving our children tools to help them be confident human beings.

When you take a strengths-based approach to motherhood, rather than an I’ll-never-measure-up approach, you can’t lose.

You simply can’t.

That’s what this website is for. In this space, you’ll find tools to help you understand yourself and your child better. It’s about connection -- connecting with yourself to understand your unique strengths and connecting with your child to understand who s/he truly is.

Check out one of my three courses to help you make the changes you want to make:

Find Your Strengths

Uncover more talents than you knew you had, and learn how to use them to better your life.

How to Yell Less

We hate when we yell, but we don't always know how to stop. Take this course to immediately yell less.

How to Get Your Kids to Listen

It's aggravating when our kids won't listen. Learn how connecting in the right ways can change the dynamic in your family.

Plus, I have a great, simple tool to help you make positive connections with your child immediately!

My Pause and Connect Journal is designed to help you have quick (we’re talking less than five minutes!) but meaningful connections with your child each day.

Through the journal, you’ll make profound discoveries about your child (and maybe even yourself), which will allow you to move forward with greater confidence in your parenting decisions.

Learn more about this awesome tool now.